Thursday, April 17, 2014

ORS Hair Restoration Review

In my desperation to regrow my temples, I got caught up in the hype of the ORS Hair video. I have been a big fan of the ORS brand ever since I fell in love with their ORS Deep Conditioner (which I swear by and can’t live without).  So that, on top of the fact that they talk about Traction Alopecia specifically in the video had me hooked! So I was super excited to give it a shot.

            So I went to the store and cringed as I shelled out over $50 bucks on 4 of the 5 products. (I chose not to use the uplifting shampoo because it contained sulfates. I used my moisturizing sulfate free shampoo instead.) I only purchased the Scalp Scrub, Hair Mayonnaise, Temple Balm and the Hair fertilizer.


The Products:

             The Scalp Scrub is a complicated little guy. In the Scrub package, it comes with a small jar of amber gel, 3 plastic mixing cups, a measuring cup, and a funky looking tooth brush to apply the gel. Now to use the product, you have to mix the gel and baking soda (not included) in the provided plastic cups.  Then gently apply to your scalp with the tooth brush. After applying, gently massage your scalp with your fingers in little circles. Next, your hair needs to be covered with a shower cap for 15-20 minutes. DO NOT apply heat! This product is recommended to be used one to two times a month.

            The Hair Mayonnaise is a thick pale orange cream. You apply a liberal amount of this conditioner to your hair after shampooing and leave on for at least 15 minutes.  You are encouraged to use this product once a week.

            The Temple Balm is in a lotion like balm that is to be massaged into your temples and nape morning and night.

            The Hair fertilizer is a heavy white cream that looks like vanilla bean ice-cream. (DON’T EAT IT) It is to be applied to your scalp and combed through to your hair daily.


My Review:

            The Scalp Scrub was a little on the smelly side (It reminded me a vick’s vapor rub.), but it wasn’t a deal breaker because it’s was not on my hair for too long. However, I didn’t like that funky tooth brush at all!! I found that the applicator brush (used in applying relaxers and hair dying) worked MUCH better.

            The Hair Mayonnaise was simple to apply. However, I would caution ladies who (like me) do most of your shampooing in the shower, to take caution. This product is so thick that it left lots of orange residue in my drain when rinsing out. (ewww) I would advise anyone to rinse out the product in the sink or take time out to clean up your tub when you’re done. J

            The Temple Balm feels better than Dr. Miracles. It feels more like a lotion and absorbs quickly into the skin. No grease, no residue, no mess.

            The Hair fertilizer is creamy and nice. Smells descent, feels nice.


Time Frame of Use and quantity: I did a solid 30 days. I never had to restock on any of the products


Results: Um…maybe it’s just the pictures…but my temples look worse. Now, you have to keep in mind that I didn’t use all five products. I left the shampoo out. However, I did still expect to see SOME results. After only 30 days, I can proclaim no real results in terms of temple hair growth.

HOWEVER, I have noticed an improvement in my over-all hair health. Out of the four products that I did use, two I have decided to keep in my regiment; The Scalp Scrub and the Hair Mayonnaise.


The Scalp Scrub: Works wonders for scalp health and dandruff. This product kept my dandruff at bay and made my scalp appear very clean and healthy. Definitely my favorite dandruff scalp treatment so far.


The Hair Mayonnaise: I used to be one of those girls who thought putting mayonnaise on your hair was crazy! I won’t even eat the stuff on a sandwich. But, this ORS hair mayonnaise has me sold! My hair comes out soft as butter! I truly believe the main contributor to my hair health in the last month is due to the mayonnaise. I can now officially add it to my “can’t live without” list.



This article is just my personal testament on this treatment system. Since everyone is different, your results may vary. If you try it, let me know what you think.


Wash day Basics

Yes, it might sound crazy, but you do need to wash your hair a little differently when you have natural hair. Apart from the fact that natural hair needs more moisture, it is also kinkier, and will tangle VERY easily if you don’t take special precautions. Here are some hair basics…
Wash Day Rules:
·         Start on your hair when you have plenty of time (about 3 hours or so)
·      Make sure you are well rested. (Don’t start any hair treatments when you are too tired. Being too tired can cause you to make mistakes that might damage your hair. Like being too rough and ripping out hair and skipping important steps like conditioning.
Divide & Detangle:
·         Spritz your hair with water.
·         Using a wide tooth comb, gently divide your hair into 4 to 6 sections. This will enable you to be more thorough in caring for each part of your hair and will prevent tangling. Clip each section up out of your way.
·         Detangle: Use a wide tooth comb to detangle the hair. (Your hair has to be detangled before you start to wash. If not, your little knots will be become monster knots.) To detangle, use a wide tooth comb and start working through the curls; start with the ends and work your way up. 
Pre Poo: Pre Poo is how to care for your hair before you shampoo. It’s necessary because shampooing can strip your hair of its natural oils and moisture. Pre Pooing is when you condition/soak your hair with oil or conditioner before shampooing.
·         Take a generous helping of conditioner (or oil) and coat your hair, section by section. Let sit for about 15 minutes before you wash out. (It doesn’t have to be covered.)
Shampoo: One section at a time, undo each twist and shampoo with any sulfate free, moisturizing shampoo of your choice. Concentrate on your scalp, rinse and twist the section back up.
Deep Condition: Never skip this step. Conditioning helps put back all the moisture that the shampoo stripped out while cleansing your hair.
·         One section at a time, untwist your hair and coat each section with your deep conditioner and twist back up.
·         When all your sections are coated, cover your hair up with a plastic cap.
Heat or No heat: I am a not heat girl. I think it’s been well over a year since I have used a blow dryer, curling iron or flat iron. I have seen (and experienced firsthand) the devastation of heat damage, so I don’t recommend using it if you can help it. But, it’s your hair…so you have two options…
·         Option One: Cover you hair with a show cap and and sit under a dryer for 15 minutes
·         Option Two: Cover your hair with a shower cap and a towel and let it sit for 45 minutes. The towel helps to promote you own body heat. It works just as good (if not better) than sitting under that hot dryer.
Rinse: Rinse all your conditioner out section by section with cool water. Use a cotton t-shirt or soft towel to dry your hair.